Getting Started with GojoSpin

3. Adding Prizes

Time to think generously. Let's add some prizes to give away to your prospects or customers!

  1. Click Prizes in the sidebar navigation.
  2. Click the blue Create New button in the top righthand corner.
  3. Upload a logo image that has the following attributes (Download Templates):
    • A white or transparent background
    • A rectangular image of 588px by 380px
  4. Create a Admin Prize Title. This title lets you quickly tell the difference between prizes that may use the same or similar images. This is the label that shows up in the admin panel.
  5. Create a Display Prize Title. This is the label that users will see in the spinner when they win your prize. Make sure to include an article. For example, “a Free Gift” or “an Awesome Prize”.
  6. If you only have a limited number of prizes, give your prize an inventory to ensure that your spinners don't accidentally give away more prizes than you have.
  7. Create Redemption Instructions. These are the instructions or message that appear in the spinner when a user wins this prize. These instructions will appear regardless of whether a spinner collects an email from the user or not. You will learn more about this when you are Creating a Spinner.
    • If your prize is digital, you can add a Redemption URL that a user can click to download the prize or visit a custom URL.
  8. If you like, create Email Redemption Instructions. These are the instructions or message that are emailed to a user when a user wins this prize in a spinner that collects email addresses. You will learn more about this when you are Creating a Spinner.
    • If your prize is digital, you can add a Email Redemption URL that a user can click to download the prize or visit a custom URL.
  9. Click Publish to create your prize.

Now that you have added your prizes, you can learn about Creating a Spinner.